November 10, 2009

Reflection: 15th entry- Farewell PBEY 3102..Au Revoir

Farewell PBEY 3102! I will Miss You!

This is my last entry for this course..I am feeling slightly nostalgic right now..( a bit sad) as i reflect on all those wonderful and momentous meomories and experience i had throughout this course.By the way , this is the very first blog that exposed me to the 'world of blogging' in which it truly benefited me tremendously.I am proud to say that i am now a techno literate future teacher who is still in the process of embarking in the endless journey of seeking knowledge.

Million Thanks to this splendid course 'PBEY 3102' and our dear lecturer Mdm Foziah.
Thank you so much ma'am..especially for your guidance, patience, fortitude of sharing and imparting your knowledge and experience in order to make us a better techno savvy future teacher ..Thanks a lot Mdm Foziah!

Well, do come along... join me as i go down the memory lane of this course pondering on few trails of thoughts...

1) What do you like about blogging ?
I love everything about blogging...The best part is that it is serves as 'my personal diary', where i can pour out my feelings, emotions share my idas, opinions, document my learning journey step by step and have a lingkage with all my dear friends ( by reading their blogs).

2) What you don't like about blogging ?
There's nothing that i don't like about blogging..I love blogging!I cherish every moment, hours, seconds and bit and pieces that i gain while blogging.

3) What have you gained about blogging? How?
Plenty of remarkable knowledge and skills i would say..Among them are that my language skills has imporved tremendously along with my fluency in English.This is because as i blog, i tend to express and reflect on my learning journey vividly amd meaningfully, thus i opt for using various vocabularies and sentence patterns which indirectly as enhance my language proficiency. i have even learnt to think critically and judgementally in order to write a meaningful and remarkable blog .In addition, i have also mastered and learnt several technologcal and computing skills...

4) What do you like about this course?
I love in this course is wonderful and unique in its own way..Thereby, i really like every aspect offered in this course especially when we are allowed to try to maniplate the softwares and come up with our own teaching aids.. I have gained plentiful knowledge on video editing, photo editng, audio editing, and ther computing skills.In fact, i also like the idea of documenting our learning journey in the form of blog which indeed make sentiend of my learning process and level.
5) What do you not like about this course?
Basically nothing..I am grateful to be in this course as i can fortify my knowldedge further in the technological and computing facets.

6)What have you learnt from this course?
Loads and loads of things..I have learnt about photo editing, audio editing, video editing, softwares like 'one true media', windows movie maker, e-book,and even blogspot.I have learnt that i can manipulate the knowledge of these input to create numerous interesting and appealing teaching aids for the children that will indeed entice them in their learning process.

7)What have you learnt from this course t
hat you did not expect to learn?
Well, i guess its the tutorials...precviously, before entering this course I have never done any tutorials before.Thus, this course has given me a great exposure in doing tutorials..Its really useful as now i know the steps involved in websearching, downloading, compressing files converting files, scanning, uploading and etc.
8)What have you expected but did not learnt from this course?
Frankly admitting, this course has given me more than i have expected.Thumbs up to this splendid course; PBEY 3102!

9)If you can change anything about this course, state what is it and eloborate?
Hmm..I think everything is just fine in this course..It's a brilliant course indeed as it guides in moulding future teachers to be techno savvy in creating resources for their ESL classroom.

10)On the rate of 1-10, please rate your computing and technological skills both before and after undergoing this course.
Before: 4
After: 8
Thus, this shows that this course has been really helpful as it has an immense impact in fortifying and improving my computing and technological skills tremendusly.Thanks a lot to this course as well as the lecturer, Mdm Foziah!

Well,thanks for joining me down the memory lane...I trully enjoyed this course to the maximum level...I guess i will really miss it! Farewell PBEY 3102!!

October 23, 2009

Relection-Week 14: "Oh... It's the Last Day"

Week 14 has arrived...It's last day of our Resources Class...

Dear "Resources class"
It's the last day we are meeting up together,
Never did i realize that time flies so fast,
You walked into my life like a wind,
Bringing in loads of changes and surprises,
Enlivening and cheering me up every week,
And now you will be gone just like the wind...

Dear "Resources Class"
I've learnt a lot from you and it is VERY true,
I am now familiar with Photo editing, Audio editing,
Video editing, Internet skills, Microsoft Publisher,
One True Media, Fx Photoshop, Tutorials,Audicity,
And many many many more,

Thanks to you and the lecturer Mdm Foziah!

Dear "Resources Class"
Because of you, you and you,
I am no longer a blur girl,
I am clearly aware of Technology and the wonders it can make,
You have broaden my 'world of learning and teaching',
Thanks a lot, I am going to miss you..
You will be forever cherished in my heart!

Well, this week's class went on smoothly as usual as we bid farewell to it...We handed in our assignment 2 sucessfully which was a huge relieve for us after all those efforts and hard work that we have put in.In fact, assignment 2 too has been a real eye opener for me as i gained numerous insights in coming up with informative, creative and awesome teaching aids for the pupils using technology tools. I indeed had a splendid time creating those teaching aids using the softwares especially "Photostory", "Photoscape", "Audicity" and "Windows Movie maker' .They were simply superb and useful!Thus, obliquely i realized that technology indeed creates wonders in taking us to greater heights and making our lives easy, smooth and INTERSTING...hehe..Hence, i would definitely recommend to all teachers out there to manipulate and utilize teachnology (video clips audio clips, e-books, gifs, animations etc ) to come up with cool, superb and wonderful teaching aids for the pupils which i believe will allure them into the lesson in one go!

Besides that, we were also reminded about the pending assignments that have to be completed..My goodness, i realized that there are still a lot to go and i think i better start off right away!In fact, i guess should learn to manage my time wisely so as i can complete them as soon as possible within the due date! (Ahh..waiting for that day to come..All assignments DONE! hehe..)
Well, overall as to sum up....
I would really like to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing us to the brilliant and awesome technological skills and softwares.This class has been very beneficial and useful for us, in widening our perspectives and broadening our knowledge as the 21st century teachers to come up with various, super cool, technology based teaching aids. I trully gained a lot from this course! I SHALL FOREVER CHERISH ALL THE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCES AND WONDERFUL MEMORIES THAT I HAD THROUGHOUT THIS COURSE IN THE CORNER OF MY HEART!

October 13, 2009

"Make Wonders Using Microsoft Publisher 2007"

Well, today's class was again another meaningful and memorable class that i shall cherish !Oh ya, we are almost coming to the end of the semester and there is only ONE more week left !Wow, time really flies fast right?

In this week's class, we were introduced to "Microsoft Publisher 2007", something that i have been exposed to before but something that i have never REALLY explored and manipulated and ALSO something that i have never realized that can be used to do teaching aids!! ( i usually use this software to do ONLY brochures and not more than that ..hehe...) Well, thanks to Mdm Foziah for creating this wonderful opportunity for us to explore this software to the max and seek various ways to utilize this software in generating teaching aids that can be used in clasroom.

As a matter of fact, i was trully astonished and impressed to find out that Micrsoft Publisher 2007 can actually make wonders (also make life easier too hehe...) ; Greeting cards, Postcards, POsters, Advertisement, ..etc.These various features are just apt to be used in designing pertinent, appealing and brilliant teaching aids that i bet will entice the kids in one go thus obliquely enhancing the teaching and learning process.For example, for an English writing lesson, by using this software, i can create tonnes of wonderful Birthday cards or Mother's Day cards or Teacher's Day cards (empty ones) for my pupils as a sample card and get them to write their wishes/ messages in it so as it can be send to their preffered ones.Indirectly, this stimulates them to learn the lesson betterand fortifies their writing skills as they have the real hands on material to utilize/ practice on.Isn't this awesome?

Well, i deemed that through this exposure to Microsoft Publisher 2007, i will definitely utilize it in my future teaching and create loads of attractive, entralling and educatonal based teaching aids that suits my everyday lesson.hehe...This software indeed makes wonders and saves lots of time and energy!It is really worth exploring!So teachers and future teachers OUT THERE DO TRY THIS SOFTWARE..YOU WILL CERTAINLY LOVE IT!

To all my Indian Friends out there, wishing you a very HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
Have a wondeful celebration ya!
Till then, have a nice day! ~Cheerio~

October 10, 2009

Reflection-Week 12: "It's Video Time!...Sit back, Relax & Enjoy Watching!"

S-P-L-E-N-D-I-D & A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!

This week's class was EXTREMELY FUN!!!We watched 18 super cool creative videos..Yeah!All produce by my coursemates including mine too.hehe..But before that, i would like to thank Mdm Foziah for coming up with such a brilliant idea of giving us the opportunity to watch all the videos created by our freinds.Thank you ma'am!I think by watching all these videos,i indeed gained wonderful insights and innovative ideas on how to produce a quality video embedded with useful messages to be conveyed.
To be frank, all 18 videos produced using various softwares were indeed remarkably impressive and splendid.Each of them were unique by itself.In fact, obliquely through these videos, I was able to see the hard work, inventiveness and efforts put in to produce such quality videos which requires a lot time, energy, creativity, patience and co-operation.Well done my friends!
(Give yourselves a huge round of applause and say CHEESE!)
As a matter of fact, subsequently i realize that the message conveyed by each video is the primary focul point that draws each and everyones attention.The message is the highlight and boost for the video, without any message i bet a video will be stagnant right at its place with no directions to proceed further.Thereby, there were few videos with such powerful messages that inspired and kindle my thoughts and feelings constructively.Among them are the video on "Friendship", "Rukun Negara", "10 ways;University Life".
I was really impress with the video on "Friendship" as it signifies how crucial the bond among friends are, how it evolved and strenghten till the very end of our lives.I really love the soundtrack that they have inserted, it was very happening and inspiring.Cool video guys!
As for the video on "Rukun Negara", WOW it was simply amazing as it arouses the sprit of patriotism within us.Truthfully admitting, i have almost forgoten few lines of the Rukun Negara, however upon watching this video, it instigated me to recal and remenber those five significant lines of Rukun Negara.In fact,the sound track was extremely appropriate with the theme and message conveyed.Brilliant idea guys!
Next, the video on "10 ways;University Life was indeed an eye opener for me.Personally , i thought it was such a good piece of work as it inspired me to view university life positively.I deem that i should enjoy my university life to the max because this is an experience that should not be ever misse by anyone.So, before i graduate, i should try out all those ideas that they have proposed in the video. hehe..
Well as for our video ( Taufiq & I), it was regarding the "Negaraku" national anthem.Upon hearing the initial tune of Negaraku song as our video was played , it stirred the the patriotic and nationalistc spirit within each of us almost instateneously.Surprisingly, within seconds all of us were standing up singing the national anthem along with the video .WOW, never did i expect that the "Negaraku" song as a powerful influence within each of us despite various races and religion.Well, whatelse...this is what we called 1Malaysia..hehe..Yeah..
However, there is a slight improvement that should be done for our video in which we are to give credit to ourselves at the end of the video to show that the video is done by us and establish our copy right.
Overall, i really learnt a lot by watching these videos, i trully admire the creativity of my friends and i regard this video viewing session as a rewarding, useful and memorable experience that i will cherish forever.
This is our video(mind & Taufiq) on "NEGARAKU"

October 02, 2009

Reflection: Week 11-"A Day I Called It A Day"

Well, this week's class was an interesting class full with surprises and revelations..As a matter of fact, we had the combination of two groups-the thursday's and tuesday's group. So basically, the the room was quite crowded and most of us were sharing the computers.Oh ya, and Ma'am was not feeling well too..(Pity her).Nevertheless, i trully admire her determination and positive fortitude to attend the class eventhough she was ill with terrible cough.I think Ma'am Foziah indeed set a good example of a dedicated teacher who is always concerned of her student's needs and requirements besides being fully devoted to her teaching duty.Thumbs up ma'am! (Personally admitting, I am very impressed with you ma'am).Hope that Ma'am Foziah will get well as soon as possible.

Now, moving on to the lesson.. we basically had wonderful presentations from the Thursday's group regarding the topic"Technology Professional Development".Wow, their presentations were indeed explictit and in-depth which right away engaged us deeply into the issue discussed.As for me, it was indeed a boost that assist in fortifying my current knowledge of the intergration of technology in ESL classroom.I was especially enticed and allured by the presentation of Zul Husni's group that focused on "Computer and technology". It was basically pertaining the attempts and endeavors of the Korean schools and Korean education ministry to integrate technology in their education system particularly to be carried out by pre-and in-service teachers.Obliquely, i realized that 'preparation and management' aspect of incorporating the elements of technology as mentioned in the presentation is extremely vital and plays an important role in order to create an encouraging and conducive technology based classroom setting which enhances the quality of the teaching learning process aptly for the 21st century kids.Thus, i deemed that as a future 21st century teacher, i should equip myself with the knowledge of IT and ICT so as i can implement the effective use of technology in my future teaching process no matter where i am.In fact, i realized that, this resources class ( with all those various skills taught;video editing, photo editing, audio editing) has indeed been an advantageous eye opener for me to "furnish" and endow myself to be an effective 'techno literate' teacher in future.( I am trully grateful to this resources class and Ma'am Foziah too).

Next, after the presentations, LUCKILY we were all reminded to take note on the due dates for our assignments to be handed in.My goodness, i had almost totally lost track of the dates actually..Thank God, Ma'am Foziah notified us, especially regarding our 2nd assignment; the complilation of the electronic teaching aids.Well, so far my group have divided our work and discussed the sources to find the materials.Good job friends!Well, as for the 3rd assignment regarding the devising of lesson plan,we were to get into groups of four whereby my group members this time around are Fendy, Firdaus and Bguat.( A good team indeed..hehe..)Well, we are currently in the midst of the planning process. I am just keeping my fingers cross hoping that we can complete all the assignments within the respective due dates in time.Although the work loads have increased yet, i am looking forward to see the end products of our assignments.

Well, wishing all my fellow coursemates all the best!Take it easy and have a great time doing the assignments..add up a pinch of laughter, humour and fun you will feel better!~Cheers~

September 15, 2009

Reflection Week 10:3 in 1-"Hari Raya Mood,Presentations,Video Making Process

Hari raya is just around the corner and the mood of this lovely festival has engulfed the class for this week...There was a glow in each and everyone's face ..haha..The spirit of Raya and "balik kampung" mood was felt by everyone including me though i am not a Muslim...I was already making a list to which Malay friends' house should i visit..:D Well, you know..its the 1Malaysia thingy right?:D

Okay, now moving on to the lesson for the day..Well, there were 5 presentations on the topic "Technology Professional Development" by 5 wonderful groups.Personally i felt, all groups did a great job in their presentations, the presentations were clear and straight to the point highlighting on the main topic of technology vividly.In fact,the topic itself was indeed useful and practical for today's current world situation which is evolving drastically towards the era of technology(Thanks to Mdm Foziah for highlighting on this topic).Thus, to summarize from the groups' presentation, i deem that as the future 21st century teacher in which i will be handling kids from the digital era, I should equip myself with the knowldege and skills of technology whereby I can be a facilitator who demonstrates the vision of technology infusion in my future teaching & learning processes, utilizes and exhibits fluency in digital tools and constantly engages my pupils in technology based collaboration and communaction which enhances the teaching and learner process.Well, those are my views and understanding from the presentations and i bet it will come true someday.

Oh ya, apart from the presentations, Mdm Foziah also showed us a video clip that was rather short and simple yet the message conveyed were depicted clearly and struck our heart almost instantaneously.Therefore, i realized that the most significant element in a video is actually the message that is to be conveyed.It is very vital and that's the whole point of to make a video.Don't think so?By the way, below is a video that had impressed me a lot and i think most Malaysians too.It is one of my all time favourite video that will be deeply remembered in my heart.Although it is short yet, the video is very realistic and most importantly whoever watching this video tiled "Kisah Percintaan Tan Hong Ming" will definitely grasp the message that is being conveyed."Malaysian should all live in unity and harmony and race is not a barrier".(Believe me, you can watch it many times, and you won't feel bored at all!The expressions are simply awesome and superb!hehe...)

Well, besides that, Mdm Foziah too looked into our storyboards for the video that we are currently working on.As for the storyboard on our video( Taufiq and I) entitled "One Sound One Malaysia" which mainly higlights on how one rythm-"Negaraku" can bring all the races in Malaysiato live in harmony and peace , i was glad that Mdm Foziah approved and showed us the green light.Yeah!So we are hoping to put our best efforts to come up with a video that quality that clearly convey the intended message to the viewers.Hence, for me today's class was very meaningful and advantageous.
Well, as for Mdm Foziah and all my coursemates, wishing all of u "Selamat Hari Raya" and "Happy Holidays"!Have a great and wonderful celebration!

September 08, 2009

Reflection-Week 9 : Here comes video editng!Yahooooo!

Fun, refreshing,exciting and enlivening!
As usual today's class was revitalizing and interesting which also turned out to be a real eye opener for me.

As to begin with, Mdm Foziah showed us several videos of her favourite drama series -well, the one with "ella and chun" that were edited by some of her friends using a software called "one true media". So far, i have only known about windows movie maker, power director and photostory, but this time around the exposure to one true media seem to inspire and arouse the creativity and passion within me to try out this software. Upon looking at the quality,accessibility and the remarkable features in this software, i deem that this software is indeed fun and cool to explore which at the same time can create wonders in our video.

Thus, as i was browsing through, i came across with my all time favourite movie called "Jaane tu ya jaane na" video clip which was edited using this software..This movie about true friendship was indeed meaningful and really touched my heart and what more now after looking at this edited video.Personally, i really liked it and the person had done a good job!Kudos to him!
( )

Align Center

As for this second video, it is still from the same movie and it has really impressed me due to the awesome effects embedded in it .
( )

Well, later after the video presentation, Mdm foziah assigned us to work in pairs (different gender) whereby we are to produce our own video which has a meaningful theme and message to be conveyed to the audience.As i was struggling to find a partner ( boy) , Mdm Foziah helped me to find one..haha..and it was Taufiq!Thank you ma'am, i think you have chosen me a very good working partner.So after squeezing our brains for creative ideas, eventually we came up with a theme called "One sound One Malaysia".We decided to focus on the natioanal anthem whereby we try to instigate that the spirit of patriotism in which this anthem acts as a strong and powerful element that bonds the string of various races into one.Well basically, It is all about the integration and unity of the various races living in Malaysia.

Ultimately , by the end of the class, we managed to consult with Mdm Foziah and she approved our concept.hehe...Deep inside, i was very happy and excited!Yeaah... Well now, we are in the midst of coming up with suitable clips, ideas and bits and pieces to enhance our video.Till then ..we shall meet again in my next blog..see ya!

September 03, 2009

Reflection -Week8: It's HOUSEKEEPING time!

Wow, today was indeed a great day for me! As i entered the class, somehow I felt very calm, cool and pleased, never did i know why..hehe..maybe it was after all the hard work for the past few days, we were finally we handing in our assignments...
Well, as for today's class, there was nothing much, it was more to housekeeping. Mdm Foziah updated, reminded and kept us informed with all the tasks and assignments that we are required to do. Thanks a lot to Mdm Foziah, luckily she did the housekeeping with us as now i realized that there still other tasks that i have to do which i have long forgotten...or else i would have been doing them in the last moment which is obviously not a good idea.SO,THANK YOU MA' reminding and constantly keeping us informed with the things to do is definitely a GOOD IDEA and an EFFECTIVE STRATEGY especially for the" forgetful kind of person" like me to cope up with the lessons...hehe...

Besides that, i was also pleased to lend a helping hand to Mdm Foziah in ensuring the assignments were well handed in.It was definitely a good experience as now i realized it is very crucial to organize and strategize the process of handing in each adn every assignments..I am very impressed by the way Mdm Foziah handle things like this.She is indeed a very responsible, diligent and conscientious lecturer and i think i should follow her footsteps in my future teachings later on..hehe..

Well, overall for this week's lesson, i totally had a great time and of course indirectly I learned few things as well.Till then, i am very eager and looking forward for the next class as we will be doing video of my favourites..hehe.
Ok, bye~cheerio~

August 24, 2009

Reflection-Week 7:Whoaa....Now its Audio Editing time!

Last week, we had our semester break.So, i was hanging around in my "Home sweet Home"...Now i am back in "UM sweet UM"

Today's resources class was great and cool! This time around it is was about audio editing.Something new, something different, something interesting and something that seemed to draw my attention! Thank you ma'am for exposing us to this awesome topic-"Audio editing" As for me, i mean in 'my own dictionary' audio = music.
Music is a place for me..I love hearing to music all day long...everytime i work on my pc, i need to listen to music-any songs will do especially the soothing, peaceful and cool kind of songs that will melt our hearts and bring wonderful memories back..

Well, what i am trying to say is that through this exposure of audio editing, i deem that i will able to use this knowledge to enhance my teaching processes in the future.For instance, i can edit various audio sounds suck as children's songs combined with educational audio tracks to introduce my lesson to the pupils.Thus, this will serve as an appealing and enticing medium to allure the pupils into the lesson.
Infact, it is really an advantage for me to learn about audio editing, as now i can edit my favourite songs, selecting only the parts that i love to listen repetitively, combining songs of various language which are in same melody into one track, and many more.Well, the list goes on....(i am extremely excited now thinking of it..hehe...)
Overall, audio editing has been a great eye opener to me..There is many things to explore using the audio editing Softwares.Thanks a lot to Ma'am for uploading the softwares..really useful indeed..As a matter of fact, i think that now i seem to have a rough idea on how those music directors work on their editing plays an important role actually..Thumbs up to audio editing!

August 14, 2009

Reflection-Week 6: Yeah..its E-BOOK time! more story time but its e-book time !

Well, this week's class was indeed enjoyable and enlightening as Mdm Foziah exposed us to the concept e-book.Her lecture on the explanation of the criteria that are to be taken into account pertaining the selection and creation of an e-book was simply mind blowing and constructive.Among the criteria highlighted were regarding the characters, theme, plot and moral values of the story, usage of the language , fonts, pictures and so on.The lecture was simple yet very meaningful, informative and easy to understand.Thank you Mdm Foziah!

In fact, I was truly enticed by the examples of the e-books done by our seniors that Mdm Foziah showed us later on.I realized that e-book serve as a blooming IT platform that exposes the pupils to the world of digital storytelling.As future 21st century teachers, I strongly believe that by employing this e-book approach, we would be able to trigger the pupils' passion and stimulate their interest of learning the lessons more efficiently and enabling to capture and draw their attention to the lesson instantaneously.By the way, I can almost envision myself utilizing the e-book in my future teaching..haha..
(a mixture of joy, gratefulness and delight)

Now moving on to the lesson...Mdm Foziah had assigned us to create an e-book for the the primary kids.Deep inside, i felt very grateful as we were given the opportunity to develop our very own e-book.Isn't is amazing?I regard this as a golden opportunity for me to enhance competency in the internet and technological skills as well .As Mdm Foziah asked us to come up with a storyline for our e-book and share it with her first, i thought it was a splendid idea as i can ensure whether i am on the right track or not.However, soon i realized that "Oh gosh...coming up with a storyline for these kids is actually tough job too!" For a second, i was quite blurred on what to focus on in my story actually..hehe..I was really thinking hard, squeezing my brains for ideas .Eventually, after consulting some ideas and making some alteration here and there with Mdm Foziah, i finally ended up with a storyline that seemed to be suitable for my e-book.In fact, upon listening to my ideas, Mdm Foziah was the one who suggested a suitable title for my e-book-"Good Deeds For the Day".Isn't cool?Thanks to Mdm Foziah.She seems to have brilliant ideas and is so kind to share them with us.In fact, I am truly impress with Mdm Foziah's fortitude and determination to guide us to be in the right track.

Well, I think its time for me to get started on my e-book production..hehe...I am really looking forward to embark on my journey of creating my e-book.Hope that i can create one which is indeed inspiring and useful for the kids.So, to all my other friends good luck to you guys too...!Till then, i am signing off here ~adios~

August 03, 2009

Reflection: Week 5-Moving on....pace by pace

Haloo everyone!The class for today started off with something unexpected..out of the blue.Wondering why???
Well, we had a FIRE DRILL!!!! was kind of fun actually, walking out from the class in a large big group using the staircase, with everyone blabbering and some complaining, with the 'oooohs' and 'aaaahs' and also the "oh,no..its going to be boring!" kind of expressions. As for me,i think the drill was indeed a memorable one, i got the chance to see a real life demonstration, with real life firemen.(Fuyo..) But too bad, i didn't try the demonstration on how to use the fire extinguisher to put off the fire..( i was too afraid with the blazing fire and its, i dared not to take the risk )

Okay!***Now moving on to the lesson of the day, we were assigned to start off with our assignment 2- producing teaching aids for the.. in which we were divided into groups of 6.Well, personally, i am glad that my group is a multiracial group consisting of 3 races-Yeah..we are moving towards "1 Malaysia!" hehe..(sounds very patriotic rite?)

Regarding the assignment, as we are to collect and produce technological teaching a ids such as from audio, video, e-books, animation and so on. I believe that this assignment will serve as an ideal opportunity for me to sharpen and enlighten my existing IT skills (which in fact is still 'blur' for me hehe..) as well as using our creativity to explore, design and complile as many technology based teaching aids as we can. Thus, through the compilation of these teaching aids, it exposes us to various technology based teaching aids that we can utilize in our future teaching which will indeed enhance and augment our lessons and subsequently create a 'techno fun loving' atmosphere!

Now, moving on to the photo editting session in which Pn Foziah briefed us on..WHOOAAA..i was totally gobsmacked..My goodness!We can simply do anything(edit) with the photos, and make the unbelievable and impossible become believable and possible!!!!Simply amazing rite?I was in fact totally flabbergasted when Mdm Foziah showed us the picture of Ella and Wu Chun in the form of Mr & Mrs Smith.WOW!That was really superb , it looked very original and authentic and not even a slightest tiny miny inch and blotch revealed that the photos were actually edited.By the way, there were also quite a number of other photos of Ella & Chun shown by Mdm Foziah to us that resembles pure originality of the photos though they were actually edited. (Thanks to Mdm Foziah for exposing us to this mind blowing examples of photo editing.)

In fact, not long sooner, it actually aroused my interest and passion to learn more about this photo editing thingy.As an
aspiring holistic teacher, i believe that we should equip ourselves with all the latest ICT knowledge and technological skills like this which enablesus to face the growing demands and expectations of the 21st century world.Thus, I regard this course as a golden opportunity to enhance my teaching capacity .Thumbs up to this course and Mdm Foziah! Oh ya, not to forget , I am eagerly looking forward to embark on the journey of photo editing.
P/s: Oh the way, i found some samples of edited photos of Mr Bean....impressive indeed!

July 31, 2009

Reflection-Week 4: Tutorials Oh Tutorials...

(Days and weeks are flying!!!Have to catch up with them...)
As for this weeks' resources class, Mdm Foziah was not around and we were all by ourselves.Although it was an undeniably tiring and hectic day, yet in a way i think i had hmm..kind of good time trying to complete my tutorials. I tried putting my so called very best efforts to do the websearching , downloading, uploading, converting files and many more to complete all the tutorials from the list given...( i think there are still few left)..

While busy doing my tutorials, it triggered to me that "Wow, i am definitely expanding my knowledge in ICT and internet skills.I think i have also developed a sense of awareness relating to the softwares, and the IT tools, whereby previously i was having ZERO knowledge in downloading, uploading and converting files, but now i am working towards learning about them, it is truly advantageous!" Thus, I am taking this opportunity to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing and teaching me and my friends (future teachers) to this other side of IT knowledge..In fact, i also realized that the process and exposure of completing these tutorials had indeed act as an essential framework in guiding me to utilize these skills and knowledge to search for teaching resources such as songs, video clips, and articles in my future teachings later on.

Anyways, not soon later, Mdm Foziah dropped by to brief us on what to do and guided us on few things.(Thanks ma'am.).She asked us to ponder on the kind of teaching aids that we can come up based on our tutorials in which I am still thinking about them, and so far i have some ideas running through my mind and Mdm Foziah also asked us to read up topic 2 and discuss on it.

Well, regarding topic 2-"Identifying priorities and their implications",(quite long to read..hehe...)To sum up, it was mainly regarding the aspect of giving high priority to attitude goals, the special nature of language, the significance of the way we check understanding, the significance of the way we treat mistakes, how to make language exersices into real exchanges and also ways to teach language lessons in the target language.( i managed to grasp the gist of it)-i realized that it is crucial for teachers to find ways of working with the language for real,-need to be realistic, the progression of pupils' attitudes and responses which results to the process of developing their competence in other language and i also became aware that in the teaching process at times teachers have to adapt and devise activities on their own.

So, i think that's about it...I am still working towards the completion of all the tutorials Whoaaa..there's a lot more to catch up..i better hurry! Till then, please continue visiting, more exciting things in resources class ahead...Cheerio!

July 24, 2009

Reflection-Week 3: MJ in resources class??

Before i begin my reflection,
i wish t
o pen down few lines in memory of MJ.

Though you are not here,

Your songs are still here,

Glued to our hearts & souls, just right here,

Your last piece "Giving thanks to Allah",

Indeed entrancing & pleasant to hear,

With a drop of tear,just wish you can hear,

We remember you here
In our resources class,just right here

Now, coming back to my reflection...
This is my third week of resources class and I am beginning to develop a strong attachment to it.This class has been a revelation for me ever since i set my foot in.This time around, i learnt something extremely new and advantageous that had not done nor ever cross my mind before which is to "create a step by step tutorial on how to download a MP3 file".

The class was inagurated with the request from our lecturer, Pn Foziah to search for Micahel Jackson's last song "Giving thanks to Allah" (it was a beautiful song indeed) in MP3 file format and thus subsequently we had to create a step by step tutorial using MS Word as well as MS Power point to depict each and every steps that we took to reach the webpage to download the song successfully. Whoa! Isn't it something that you have never ever thought before.

Initially, i was kind of blurr, not simply blurr but EXTREMELY blurr.I did not even know what 'print screen' was.(haha).Anyways, i would like to express my gratitude and thanks to Pn Foziah, who patiently put up with all my 'blurrness' and guided me well as she came to me and pointed out the steps to do.I am truly impressive with her optimistic fortitude to teach.I indeed had a good time creating the tutorial, though it was quite tedious as we were to include each and every steps.

Now, regarding the tutorial, i realized that behind all successful web application there is an easy-to- use feature and guide designated to assist users to attempt their task or grasp a good understanding to comprehend their task without much complexity and that is the"tutorial".I deemed that tutorials serve as an effective and useful framework in guiding users to find or attempt certain task step by step such as downloading songs, pictures, pdf, movies and so on.This enables them to identify the steps involved, and seek the alternative ways to successfully endeavor their tasks easily without biding around the bush.

As a matter of fact, i sensed that tutorials will indeed be handy for my personal use in my future teachings as it might serve as an useful guide and reference aid just in case i need to find or download materials from the internet that i have long forgotten.Therefore, i can rely on my tutorials to help me find my way in attempting those tasks(download teaching materials on line)

Thus, as we were given another list of tutorials to be done in two weeks time, I really hope to make an effort to venture them with full determination and preseverance in order to develop meaningful tutorials that can be shared and reached by other users.As an aspiring teaching , i believe in knowledge sharing which i deem can make wonders in one's life, thus tutorial sharing will be in my diction too.

Overall, this week's lesson was indeed a momentous and an eye opening session in which i shall cherish the experience of developing tutorials forever.Till then, we will meet again in my next blog.Thank you!

July 23, 2009

Mr Singh is Back!!!

Hi guys...
Are you kind of stressed up?
Well, no worries..
Just sit back & relax

As you enjoy these jokes...

1) A tourist from USA asked Mr Singh: Any great man born this village???
Mr Singh: No sir, only small babies!!!

2) Mr Singh : Miss, did you call me on my mobile Teacher: ME ? No, why?
Mr Singh:Yesterday i saw in my mobile-"1 Miss Call"

3) Judge: Don't you have shame?Its the 3rd time you are coming to court.
Mr Singh to judge:You are coming daily, don't you have SHAME???

4) Sir :What is the difference between Orange and Apple?
Mr Singh : Color of orange is orange BUT color of apple
is not apple.

5) Mr Singh attending an interview in Sofware Company
Manager: Do you know MS Office?

Mr Singh: If you give me the address i will go there sir.

6) Mr Singh in airplane going to Bombay...While its landing he shouted: "Bombay..Bombay"
Air hostess said: "Be silent"

Mr Singh: "Ok..Ombay Ombay"

7) Mr Singh got an sms from his girlfriend:"I MISS YOU"
He replied : "I MR YOU"

8) Mr Singh: Doctor! My son swallowed a key
Doctor: When?
Mr Singh : 3 months ago

Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Mr Singh: We were using duplicate key

Doctor: So, why did you come today?

Mr Singh: We lost the duplicate key!!

Hope you guys had fun reading it! Haha..
Till then,adios!

July 17, 2009

Reflection-Week 2:Working With Young Learners

My second class for this course was indeed an eye opener for me. As I expected I did learn ;
something new...
something that I had overlooked before…
something that did not ever cross my mind before…
something that I did not bother to stop and read before..
something that is truly advantageous and significant for me now...
Wondering what did I learn?

Well, as for today’s class, our focused topic was on “Working with young language learners”. Of course, I am aware that as a future teacher, OBVIOUSLY I will be working with young learners. However, the point here is that I had never seem to be concerned or interested in the ability of the learners (children) to:
  • grasp meaning,
  • how they use limited language use creatively
  • their capacity for indirect learning
  • their instinct for play and fun
  • their role of imagination
  • their instinct for interaction and talk
Its a shame that I was oblivious to all these.Well, it is okay as at least I got to know about these aspects now..."Better late than never!”

Thus, upon receiving the notes pertaining the topic from Pn Foziah,(Thanks ma’am), we were asked to work in groups of 6 and come up with a power point presentation regarding the subtopic that have been assigned to us.As for my group, our subtopic was regarding the children’s creative use of limited language resources”
Personally, as I read this part of article, i was really smitten by the fact of the children's CREATIVE use of language even ever since their early stages of their mother tongue development.They do excel at making a little language go along way.Isn't this amazing?

As according to Henniger(2002), "children engage in language learning without any direct instruction.They learn intuitively on how language works, practicing its nuances in their daily conversation".Thus, this indicates how their curiosity about language leads them in generating creativity in their language use especially in grammatical forms, analogy and concepts.For example, a little 4 year old boy who wanted they light to be put on exclaimed -" switch of the dark,I don't like the dark shining". Isn't this creative and cute?He innovatively invented his own words regarding the concept of 'light' to get his meaning across.

Thus,i became aware that as teachers, in order to stimulate and evoke the creative language skills the children bring with them, teachers can carry out engaging interactive classroom activities that enables the children to express themselves freely without any restrictions such as communicative games,dramatizations,group discussion & many more.I deemed that this will eventually allure the children's desire to communicate actively thus indirectly fortifying their aptitude for indirect language learning.Don't you all agree?

Overall,it triggered to me that it is vital for teachers to develop a deep understanding of the children's abilities, characteristics and their expectations, so as to strategize ways on the effective usage of tools and resources that are to be used and developed in the language learning processes.
That's all for now, till then, i'm looking forward for the next class...thank you.

July 10, 2009

Busy Bee

Busy busy busy...
For the past 5 days...
Need a break, need a rest ...
Hopefully, it will come soon...

Busy busy busy...
A lot more do to...
Break and rest where are you...
Still waiting, do come soon..

Busy busy busy...
So many things to settle...
Rest and break, i can't see you yet...
Where are you?Are you coming soon?

Well, I guess i am still busy busy busy just like a

*Just wanted to express my feelings of "busy-ness"..Hoping that i can cope up with it...

July 08, 2009

Life in Um..

UM's life after 3 days...Well, first of all let me say this "UM is so so so so so so huge!".I mean it is such a big campus. Sometimes, i even get confused with the routes to the classes. So many buildings here and there-faculties, lecture halls, labs and so on.. As for now, I am learning to get to know the places, (still surveying the locations,& routes), and still in the process of adjusting myself with the university life .So far so good i guess.I am beginning to like it...

Anyway, most of the courses that i have attended so far are quite new to me.However, deep inside i am sure it is 100% worth learning them. Oh ya, PBEY 3102 is one of them!(I wouldn't have known how to blog if it is not for this course). Feeling grateful actually..haha..and also looking forward to learn something new every day. So, UM here i come!

July 06, 2009

Reflection:Week 1-Jai Ho! Intro to PBEY 3102 & My First Blog Ever...

Yeah...writing my first blog today! But before that, I wish to express my gratefulness to this course PBEY 3102 , because if it is not for this course i wouldn't have been exposed to blogging (gained such a wonderful experience of writing one.) and enlightening me with various creative ideas and constructive information in using and developing resources for young learners through the advancement of technology such as ICT, internets,videoclips and so on...It was an advantagous eye opener for me.

Initially, before i entered the class i was bombarded with numerous strings of questions such as;what is this course all about? what are the resources that are we going use & develop? how are we are going to do that? why do we have to develop resources?i'm extremely 'blurred' in technology, will i be able to use & develop resourses too?and bla bla bla..( i was feeling anxious and fretful too)

Anyways, thanks to our lecturer, Pn Foziah, who indeed guided us through very well on our first day, with full of patience, fortitude and determination to ensure that all of us understood the course.I think her briefing was indeed pertinent and sufficient as i seemed to have grasp the gist of what the course is going to be.I managed to comprehend the highlight of the course which is all about how we utilize and generate resources from various types that we can find around us particularly through the manipulation of technology expansion in an ESL classroom besides not forgetting to take into considerations of the interests, abilities and expectations of young learners.(Thanks Ma'am)

Now, lets come back to the blogging part.(the excitement is not over yet).Well, I think writing a blog it is not that bad after all. Frankly admitting, i am not really the 'typing' or 'writing' type of person.Basically, I simply prefer reading! Yup, can be on anything-story books, novels, movie reviews, advertisements, song lyrics and the list goes on..anything as long i can read.

Ultimately, i had a great day during my first day of this course.I realize that as an aspiring futuristic and holistic teacher, i should equip myself with the knowledge and skills of technology in generating useful teaching and learning resources as to maximize the potentials and aptitude of my pupils by alluring them in moving towards the 21 century "techno world". Besides, i shall cherish the memories that i had, especially the part where i started blogging for the first time in my whole life.I am looking forward for this class, hoping that i will gain more new innovative knowledge and ways to enhance my ICT skills inventively .Well, i guess that's about it...for the moment.

Thank you...Your visits are much appreciated and I hope you continue to find reasons to come and peep into my blogs occasionally...