October 23, 2009

Relection-Week 14: "Oh... It's the Last Day"

Week 14 has arrived...It's last day of our Resources Class...

Dear "Resources class"
It's the last day we are meeting up together,
Never did i realize that time flies so fast,
You walked into my life like a wind,
Bringing in loads of changes and surprises,
Enlivening and cheering me up every week,
And now you will be gone just like the wind...

Dear "Resources Class"
I've learnt a lot from you and it is VERY true,
I am now familiar with Photo editing, Audio editing,
Video editing, Internet skills, Microsoft Publisher,
One True Media, Fx Photoshop, Tutorials,Audicity,
And many many many more,

Thanks to you and the lecturer Mdm Foziah!

Dear "Resources Class"
Because of you, you and you,
I am no longer a blur girl,
I am clearly aware of Technology and the wonders it can make,
You have broaden my 'world of learning and teaching',
Thanks a lot, I am going to miss you..
You will be forever cherished in my heart!

Well, this week's class went on smoothly as usual as we bid farewell to it...We handed in our assignment 2 sucessfully which was a huge relieve for us after all those efforts and hard work that we have put in.In fact, assignment 2 too has been a real eye opener for me as i gained numerous insights in coming up with informative, creative and awesome teaching aids for the pupils using technology tools. I indeed had a splendid time creating those teaching aids using the softwares especially "Photostory", "Photoscape", "Audicity" and "Windows Movie maker' .They were simply superb and useful!Thus, obliquely i realized that technology indeed creates wonders in taking us to greater heights and making our lives easy, smooth and INTERSTING...hehe..Hence, i would definitely recommend to all teachers out there to manipulate and utilize teachnology (video clips audio clips, e-books, gifs, animations etc ) to come up with cool, superb and wonderful teaching aids for the pupils which i believe will allure them into the lesson in one go!

Besides that, we were also reminded about the pending assignments that have to be completed..My goodness, i realized that there are still a lot to go and i think i better start off right away!In fact, i guess should learn to manage my time wisely so as i can complete them as soon as possible within the due date! (Ahh..waiting for that day to come..All assignments DONE! hehe..)
Well, overall as to sum up....
I would really like to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing us to the brilliant and awesome technological skills and softwares.This class has been very beneficial and useful for us, in widening our perspectives and broadening our knowledge as the 21st century teachers to come up with various, super cool, technology based teaching aids. I trully gained a lot from this course! I SHALL FOREVER CHERISH ALL THE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCES AND WONDERFUL MEMORIES THAT I HAD THROUGHOUT THIS COURSE IN THE CORNER OF MY HEART!


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