October 13, 2009

"Make Wonders Using Microsoft Publisher 2007"

Well, today's class was again another meaningful and memorable class that i shall cherish !Oh ya, we are almost coming to the end of the semester and there is only ONE more week left !Wow, time really flies fast right?

In this week's class, we were introduced to "Microsoft Publisher 2007", something that i have been exposed to before but something that i have never REALLY explored and manipulated and ALSO something that i have never realized that can be used to do teaching aids!! ( i usually use this software to do ONLY brochures and not more than that ..hehe...) Well, thanks to Mdm Foziah for creating this wonderful opportunity for us to explore this software to the max and seek various ways to utilize this software in generating teaching aids that can be used in clasroom.

As a matter of fact, i was trully astonished and impressed to find out that Micrsoft Publisher 2007 can actually make wonders (also make life easier too hehe...) ; Greeting cards, Postcards, POsters, Advertisement, ..etc.These various features are just apt to be used in designing pertinent, appealing and brilliant teaching aids that i bet will entice the kids in one go thus obliquely enhancing the teaching and learning process.For example, for an English writing lesson, by using this software, i can create tonnes of wonderful Birthday cards or Mother's Day cards or Teacher's Day cards (empty ones) for my pupils as a sample card and get them to write their wishes/ messages in it so as it can be send to their preffered ones.Indirectly, this stimulates them to learn the lesson betterand fortifies their writing skills as they have the real hands on material to utilize/ practice on.Isn't this awesome?

Well, i deemed that through this exposure to Microsoft Publisher 2007, i will definitely utilize it in my future teaching and create loads of attractive, entralling and educatonal based teaching aids that suits my everyday lesson.hehe...This software indeed makes wonders and saves lots of time and energy!It is really worth exploring!So teachers and future teachers OUT THERE DO TRY THIS SOFTWARE..YOU WILL CERTAINLY LOVE IT!

To all my Indian Friends out there, wishing you a very HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
Have a wondeful celebration ya!
Till then, have a nice day! ~Cheerio~


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