October 10, 2009

Reflection-Week 12: "It's Video Time!...Sit back, Relax & Enjoy Watching!"

S-P-L-E-N-D-I-D & A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!

This week's class was EXTREMELY FUN!!!We watched 18 super cool creative videos..Yeah!All produce by my coursemates including mine too.hehe..But before that, i would like to thank Mdm Foziah for coming up with such a brilliant idea of giving us the opportunity to watch all the videos created by our freinds.Thank you ma'am!I think by watching all these videos,i indeed gained wonderful insights and innovative ideas on how to produce a quality video embedded with useful messages to be conveyed.
To be frank, all 18 videos produced using various softwares were indeed remarkably impressive and splendid.Each of them were unique by itself.In fact, obliquely through these videos, I was able to see the hard work, inventiveness and efforts put in to produce such quality videos which requires a lot time, energy, creativity, patience and co-operation.Well done my friends!
(Give yourselves a huge round of applause and say CHEESE!)
As a matter of fact, subsequently i realize that the message conveyed by each video is the primary focul point that draws each and everyones attention.The message is the highlight and boost for the video, without any message i bet a video will be stagnant right at its place with no directions to proceed further.Thereby, there were few videos with such powerful messages that inspired and kindle my thoughts and feelings constructively.Among them are the video on "Friendship", "Rukun Negara", "10 ways;University Life".
I was really impress with the video on "Friendship" as it signifies how crucial the bond among friends are, how it evolved and strenghten till the very end of our lives.I really love the soundtrack that they have inserted, it was very happening and inspiring.Cool video guys!
As for the video on "Rukun Negara", WOW it was simply amazing as it arouses the sprit of patriotism within us.Truthfully admitting, i have almost forgoten few lines of the Rukun Negara, however upon watching this video, it instigated me to recal and remenber those five significant lines of Rukun Negara.In fact,the sound track was extremely appropriate with the theme and message conveyed.Brilliant idea guys!
Next, the video on "10 ways;University Life was indeed an eye opener for me.Personally , i thought it was such a good piece of work as it inspired me to view university life positively.I deem that i should enjoy my university life to the max because this is an experience that should not be ever misse by anyone.So, before i graduate, i should try out all those ideas that they have proposed in the video. hehe..
Well as for our video ( Taufiq & I), it was regarding the "Negaraku" national anthem.Upon hearing the initial tune of Negaraku song as our video was played , it stirred the the patriotic and nationalistc spirit within each of us almost instateneously.Surprisingly, within seconds all of us were standing up singing the national anthem along with the video .WOW, never did i expect that the "Negaraku" song as a powerful influence within each of us despite various races and religion.Well, whatelse...this is what we called 1Malaysia..hehe..Yeah..
However, there is a slight improvement that should be done for our video in which we are to give credit to ourselves at the end of the video to show that the video is done by us and establish our copy right.
Overall, i really learnt a lot by watching these videos, i trully admire the creativity of my friends and i regard this video viewing session as a rewarding, useful and memorable experience that i will cherish forever.
This is our video(mind & Taufiq) on "NEGARAKU"


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