July 06, 2009

Reflection:Week 1-Jai Ho! Intro to PBEY 3102 & My First Blog Ever...

Yeah...writing my first blog today! But before that, I wish to express my gratefulness to this course PBEY 3102 , because if it is not for this course i wouldn't have been exposed to blogging (gained such a wonderful experience of writing one.) and enlightening me with various creative ideas and constructive information in using and developing resources for young learners through the advancement of technology such as ICT, internets,videoclips and so on...It was an advantagous eye opener for me.

Initially, before i entered the class i was bombarded with numerous strings of questions such as;what is this course all about? what are the resources that are we going use & develop? how are we are going to do that? why do we have to develop resources?i'm extremely 'blurred' in technology, will i be able to use & develop resourses too?and bla bla bla..( i was feeling anxious and fretful too)

Anyways, thanks to our lecturer, Pn Foziah, who indeed guided us through very well on our first day, with full of patience, fortitude and determination to ensure that all of us understood the course.I think her briefing was indeed pertinent and sufficient as i seemed to have grasp the gist of what the course is going to be.I managed to comprehend the highlight of the course which is all about how we utilize and generate resources from various types that we can find around us particularly through the manipulation of technology expansion in an ESL classroom besides not forgetting to take into considerations of the interests, abilities and expectations of young learners.(Thanks Ma'am)

Now, lets come back to the blogging part.(the excitement is not over yet).Well, I think writing a blog it is not that bad after all. Frankly admitting, i am not really the 'typing' or 'writing' type of person.Basically, I simply prefer reading! Yup, reading...it can be on anything-story books, novels, movie reviews, advertisements, song lyrics and the list goes on..anything as long i can read.

Ultimately, i had a great day during my first day of this course.I realize that as an aspiring futuristic and holistic teacher, i should equip myself with the knowledge and skills of technology in generating useful teaching and learning resources as to maximize the potentials and aptitude of my pupils by alluring them in moving towards the 21 century "techno world". Besides, i shall cherish the memories that i had, especially the part where i started blogging for the first time in my whole life.I am looking forward for this class, hoping that i will gain more new innovative knowledge and ways to enhance my ICT skills inventively .Well, i guess that's about it...for the moment.

Thank you...Your visits are much appreciated and I hope you continue to find reasons to come and peep into my blogs occasionally...


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