July 17, 2009

Reflection-Week 2:Working With Young Learners

My second class for this course was indeed an eye opener for me. As I expected I did learn ;
something new...
something that I had overlooked before…
something that did not ever cross my mind before…
something that I did not bother to stop and read before..
something that is truly advantageous and significant for me now...
Wondering what did I learn?

Well, as for today’s class, our focused topic was on “Working with young language learners”. Of course, I am aware that as a future teacher, OBVIOUSLY I will be working with young learners. However, the point here is that I had never seem to be concerned or interested in the ability of the learners (children) to:
  • grasp meaning,
  • how they use limited language use creatively
  • their capacity for indirect learning
  • their instinct for play and fun
  • their role of imagination
  • their instinct for interaction and talk
Its a shame that I was oblivious to all these.Well, it is okay as at least I got to know about these aspects now..."Better late than never!”

Thus, upon receiving the notes pertaining the topic from Pn Foziah,(Thanks ma’am), we were asked to work in groups of 6 and come up with a power point presentation regarding the subtopic that have been assigned to us.As for my group, our subtopic was regarding the children’s creative use of limited language resources”
Personally, as I read this part of article, i was really smitten by the fact of the children's CREATIVE use of language even ever since their early stages of their mother tongue development.They do excel at making a little language go along way.Isn't this amazing?

As according to Henniger(2002), "children engage in language learning without any direct instruction.They learn intuitively on how language works, practicing its nuances in their daily conversation".Thus, this indicates how their curiosity about language leads them in generating creativity in their language use especially in grammatical forms, analogy and concepts.For example, a little 4 year old boy who wanted they light to be put on exclaimed -" switch of the dark,I don't like the dark shining". Isn't this creative and cute?He innovatively invented his own words regarding the concept of 'light' to get his meaning across.

Thus,i became aware that as teachers, in order to stimulate and evoke the creative language skills the children bring with them, teachers can carry out engaging interactive classroom activities that enables the children to express themselves freely without any restrictions such as communicative games,dramatizations,group discussion & many more.I deemed that this will eventually allure the children's desire to communicate actively thus indirectly fortifying their aptitude for indirect language learning.Don't you all agree?

Overall,it triggered to me that it is vital for teachers to develop a deep understanding of the children's abilities, characteristics and their expectations, so as to strategize ways on the effective usage of tools and resources that are to be used and developed in the language learning processes.
That's all for now, till then, i'm looking forward for the next class...thank you.


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