July 24, 2009

Reflection-Week 3: MJ in resources class??

Before i begin my reflection,
i wish t
o pen down few lines in memory of MJ.

Though you are not here,

Your songs are still here,

Glued to our hearts & souls, just right here,

Your last piece "Giving thanks to Allah",

Indeed entrancing & pleasant to hear,

With a drop of tear,just wish you can hear,

We remember you here
In our resources class,just right here

Now, coming back to my reflection...
This is my third week of resources class and I am beginning to develop a strong attachment to it.This class has been a revelation for me ever since i set my foot in.This time around, i learnt something extremely new and advantageous that had not done nor ever cross my mind before which is to "create a step by step tutorial on how to download a MP3 file".

The class was inagurated with the request from our lecturer, Pn Foziah to search for Micahel Jackson's last song "Giving thanks to Allah" (it was a beautiful song indeed) in MP3 file format and thus subsequently we had to create a step by step tutorial using MS Word as well as MS Power point to depict each and every steps that we took to reach the webpage to download the song successfully. Whoa! Isn't it something that you have never ever thought before.

Initially, i was kind of blurr, not simply blurr but EXTREMELY blurr.I did not even know what 'print screen' was.(haha).Anyways, i would like to express my gratitude and thanks to Pn Foziah, who patiently put up with all my 'blurrness' and guided me well as she came to me and pointed out the steps to do.I am truly impressive with her optimistic fortitude to teach.I indeed had a good time creating the tutorial, though it was quite tedious as we were to include each and every steps.

Now, regarding the tutorial, i realized that behind all successful web application there is an easy-to- use feature and guide designated to assist users to attempt their task or grasp a good understanding to comprehend their task without much complexity and that is the"tutorial".I deemed that tutorials serve as an effective and useful framework in guiding users to find or attempt certain task step by step such as downloading songs, pictures, pdf, movies and so on.This enables them to identify the steps involved, and seek the alternative ways to successfully endeavor their tasks easily without biding around the bush.

As a matter of fact, i sensed that tutorials will indeed be handy for my personal use in my future teachings as it might serve as an useful guide and reference aid just in case i need to find or download materials from the internet that i have long forgotten.Therefore, i can rely on my tutorials to help me find my way in attempting those tasks(download teaching materials on line)

Thus, as we were given another list of tutorials to be done in two weeks time, I really hope to make an effort to venture them with full determination and preseverance in order to develop meaningful tutorials that can be shared and reached by other users.As an aspiring teaching , i believe in knowledge sharing which i deem can make wonders in one's life, thus tutorial sharing will be in my diction too.

Overall, this week's lesson was indeed a momentous and an eye opening session in which i shall cherish the experience of developing tutorials forever.Till then, we will meet again in my next blog.Thank you!


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