July 31, 2009

Reflection-Week 4: Tutorials Oh Tutorials...

(Days and weeks are flying!!!Have to catch up with them...)
As for this weeks' resources class, Mdm Foziah was not around and we were all by ourselves.Although it was an undeniably tiring and hectic day, yet in a way i think i had hmm..kind of good time trying to complete my tutorials. I tried putting my so called very best efforts to do the websearching , downloading, uploading, converting files and many more to complete all the tutorials from the list given...( i think there are still few left)..

While busy doing my tutorials, it triggered to me that "Wow, i am definitely expanding my knowledge in ICT and internet skills.I think i have also developed a sense of awareness relating to the softwares, and the IT tools, whereby previously i was having ZERO knowledge in downloading, uploading and converting files, but now i am working towards learning about them, it is truly advantageous!" Thus, I am taking this opportunity to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing and teaching me and my friends (future teachers) to this other side of IT knowledge..In fact, i also realized that the process and exposure of completing these tutorials had indeed act as an essential framework in guiding me to utilize these skills and knowledge to search for teaching resources such as songs, video clips, and articles in my future teachings later on.

Anyways, not soon later, Mdm Foziah dropped by to brief us on what to do and guided us on few things.(Thanks ma'am.).She asked us to ponder on the kind of teaching aids that we can come up based on our tutorials in which I am still thinking about them, and so far i have some ideas running through my mind and Mdm Foziah also asked us to read up topic 2 and discuss on it.

Well, regarding topic 2-"Identifying priorities and their implications",(quite long to read..hehe...)To sum up, it was mainly regarding the aspect of giving high priority to attitude goals, the special nature of language, the significance of the way we check understanding, the significance of the way we treat mistakes, how to make language exersices into real exchanges and also ways to teach language lessons in the target language.( i managed to grasp the gist of it)-i realized that it is crucial for teachers to find ways of working with the language for real,-need to be realistic, the progression of pupils' attitudes and responses which results to the process of developing their competence in other language and i also became aware that in the teaching process at times teachers have to adapt and devise activities on their own.

So, i think that's about it...I am still working towards the completion of all the tutorials Whoaaa..there's a lot more to catch up..i better hurry! Till then, please continue visiting, more exciting things in resources class ahead...Cheerio!


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