July 23, 2009

Mr Singh is Back!!!

Hi guys...
Are you kind of stressed up?
Well, no worries..
Just sit back & relax

As you enjoy these jokes...

1) A tourist from USA asked Mr Singh: Any great man born this village???
Mr Singh: No sir, only small babies!!!

2) Mr Singh : Miss, did you call me on my mobile Teacher: ME ? No, why?
Mr Singh:Yesterday i saw in my mobile-"1 Miss Call"

3) Judge: Don't you have shame?Its the 3rd time you are coming to court.
Mr Singh to judge:You are coming daily, don't you have SHAME???

4) Sir :What is the difference between Orange and Apple?
Mr Singh : Color of orange is orange BUT color of apple
is not apple.

5) Mr Singh attending an interview in Sofware Company
Manager: Do you know MS Office?

Mr Singh: If you give me the address i will go there sir.

6) Mr Singh in airplane going to Bombay...While its landing he shouted: "Bombay..Bombay"
Air hostess said: "Be silent"

Mr Singh: "Ok..Ombay Ombay"

7) Mr Singh got an sms from his girlfriend:"I MISS YOU"
He replied : "I MR YOU"

8) Mr Singh: Doctor! My son swallowed a key
Doctor: When?
Mr Singh : 3 months ago

Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Mr Singh: We were using duplicate key

Doctor: So, why did you come today?

Mr Singh: We lost the duplicate key!!

Hope you guys had fun reading it! Haha..
Till then,adios!


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