July 08, 2009

Life in Um..

UM's life after 3 days...Well, first of all let me say this "UM is so so so so so so huge!".I mean it is such a big campus. Sometimes, i even get confused with the routes to the classes. So many buildings here and there-faculties, lecture halls, labs and so on.. As for now, I am learning to get to know the places, (still surveying the locations,& routes), and still in the process of adjusting myself with the university life .So far so good i guess.I am beginning to like it...

Anyway, most of the courses that i have attended so far are quite new to me.However, deep inside i am sure it is 100% worth learning them. Oh ya, PBEY 3102 is one of them!(I wouldn't have known how to blog if it is not for this course). Feeling grateful actually..haha..and also looking forward to learn something new every day. So, UM here i come!


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