August 24, 2009

Reflection-Week 7:Whoaa....Now its Audio Editing time!

Last week, we had our semester break.So, i was hanging around in my "Home sweet Home"...Now i am back in "UM sweet UM"

Today's resources class was great and cool! This time around it is was about audio editing.Something new, something different, something interesting and something that seemed to draw my attention! Thank you ma'am for exposing us to this awesome topic-"Audio editing" As for me, i mean in 'my own dictionary' audio = music.
Music is a place for me..I love hearing to music all day long...everytime i work on my pc, i need to listen to music-any songs will do especially the soothing, peaceful and cool kind of songs that will melt our hearts and bring wonderful memories back..

Well, what i am trying to say is that through this exposure of audio editing, i deem that i will able to use this knowledge to enhance my teaching processes in the future.For instance, i can edit various audio sounds suck as children's songs combined with educational audio tracks to introduce my lesson to the pupils.Thus, this will serve as an appealing and enticing medium to allure the pupils into the lesson.
Infact, it is really an advantage for me to learn about audio editing, as now i can edit my favourite songs, selecting only the parts that i love to listen repetitively, combining songs of various language which are in same melody into one track, and many more.Well, the list goes on....(i am extremely excited now thinking of it..hehe...)
Overall, audio editing has been a great eye opener to me..There is many things to explore using the audio editing Softwares.Thanks a lot to Ma'am for uploading the softwares..really useful indeed..As a matter of fact, i think that now i seem to have a rough idea on how those music directors work on their editing plays an important role actually..Thumbs up to audio editing!


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