September 03, 2009

Reflection -Week8: It's HOUSEKEEPING time!

Wow, today was indeed a great day for me! As i entered the class, somehow I felt very calm, cool and pleased, never did i know why..hehe..maybe it was after all the hard work for the past few days, we were finally we handing in our assignments...
Well, as for today's class, there was nothing much, it was more to housekeeping. Mdm Foziah updated, reminded and kept us informed with all the tasks and assignments that we are required to do. Thanks a lot to Mdm Foziah, luckily she did the housekeeping with us as now i realized that there still other tasks that i have to do which i have long forgotten...or else i would have been doing them in the last moment which is obviously not a good idea.SO,THANK YOU MA' reminding and constantly keeping us informed with the things to do is definitely a GOOD IDEA and an EFFECTIVE STRATEGY especially for the" forgetful kind of person" like me to cope up with the lessons...hehe...

Besides that, i was also pleased to lend a helping hand to Mdm Foziah in ensuring the assignments were well handed in.It was definitely a good experience as now i realized it is very crucial to organize and strategize the process of handing in each adn every assignments..I am very impressed by the way Mdm Foziah handle things like this.She is indeed a very responsible, diligent and conscientious lecturer and i think i should follow her footsteps in my future teachings later on..hehe..

Well, overall for this week's lesson, i totally had a great time and of course indirectly I learned few things as well.Till then, i am very eager and looking forward for the next class as we will be doing video of my favourites..hehe.
Ok, bye~cheerio~


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