September 15, 2009

Reflection Week 10:3 in 1-"Hari Raya Mood,Presentations,Video Making Process

Hari raya is just around the corner and the mood of this lovely festival has engulfed the class for this week...There was a glow in each and everyone's face ..haha..The spirit of Raya and "balik kampung" mood was felt by everyone including me though i am not a Muslim...I was already making a list to which Malay friends' house should i visit..:D Well, you know..its the 1Malaysia thingy right?:D

Okay, now moving on to the lesson for the day..Well, there were 5 presentations on the topic "Technology Professional Development" by 5 wonderful groups.Personally i felt, all groups did a great job in their presentations, the presentations were clear and straight to the point highlighting on the main topic of technology vividly.In fact,the topic itself was indeed useful and practical for today's current world situation which is evolving drastically towards the era of technology(Thanks to Mdm Foziah for highlighting on this topic).Thus, to summarize from the groups' presentation, i deem that as the future 21st century teacher in which i will be handling kids from the digital era, I should equip myself with the knowldege and skills of technology whereby I can be a facilitator who demonstrates the vision of technology infusion in my future teaching & learning processes, utilizes and exhibits fluency in digital tools and constantly engages my pupils in technology based collaboration and communaction which enhances the teaching and learner process.Well, those are my views and understanding from the presentations and i bet it will come true someday.

Oh ya, apart from the presentations, Mdm Foziah also showed us a video clip that was rather short and simple yet the message conveyed were depicted clearly and struck our heart almost instantaneously.Therefore, i realized that the most significant element in a video is actually the message that is to be conveyed.It is very vital and that's the whole point of to make a video.Don't think so?By the way, below is a video that had impressed me a lot and i think most Malaysians too.It is one of my all time favourite video that will be deeply remembered in my heart.Although it is short yet, the video is very realistic and most importantly whoever watching this video tiled "Kisah Percintaan Tan Hong Ming" will definitely grasp the message that is being conveyed."Malaysian should all live in unity and harmony and race is not a barrier".(Believe me, you can watch it many times, and you won't feel bored at all!The expressions are simply awesome and superb!hehe...)

Well, besides that, Mdm Foziah too looked into our storyboards for the video that we are currently working on.As for the storyboard on our video( Taufiq and I) entitled "One Sound One Malaysia" which mainly higlights on how one rythm-"Negaraku" can bring all the races in Malaysiato live in harmony and peace , i was glad that Mdm Foziah approved and showed us the green light.Yeah!So we are hoping to put our best efforts to come up with a video that quality that clearly convey the intended message to the viewers.Hence, for me today's class was very meaningful and advantageous.
Well, as for Mdm Foziah and all my coursemates, wishing all of u "Selamat Hari Raya" and "Happy Holidays"!Have a great and wonderful celebration!


bguat said...
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bguat said...

Hi Priya, I really like the concept of your video "One Sound One Malaysia", and I can visualize that it is going to be a great video with huge impact! Hope it can trigger the spirit of patriotism and unity among us! All the best ya :)

Caryn T. said...

"One Sound One Malaysia" which mainly higlights on how one rythm-"Negaraku"

This is totally creative...I never really gave much thoughts of how the national song can really unite us all...I mean we have practically sung it so many times that I have grown to sing only out of memory.
I am anticipating yuor video...!

jpriyatharisini said...

Thanks a lot girls for your comments and wishes..Truly appreciate it..All the best too you too

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