September 08, 2009

Reflection-Week 9 : Here comes video editng!Yahooooo!

Fun, refreshing,exciting and enlivening!
As usual today's class was revitalizing and interesting which also turned out to be a real eye opener for me.

As to begin with, Mdm Foziah showed us several videos of her favourite drama series -well, the one with "ella and chun" that were edited by some of her friends using a software called "one true media". So far, i have only known about windows movie maker, power director and photostory, but this time around the exposure to one true media seem to inspire and arouse the creativity and passion within me to try out this software. Upon looking at the quality,accessibility and the remarkable features in this software, i deem that this software is indeed fun and cool to explore which at the same time can create wonders in our video.

Thus, as i was browsing through, i came across with my all time favourite movie called "Jaane tu ya jaane na" video clip which was edited using this software..This movie about true friendship was indeed meaningful and really touched my heart and what more now after looking at this edited video.Personally, i really liked it and the person had done a good job!Kudos to him!
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Align Center

As for this second video, it is still from the same movie and it has really impressed me due to the awesome effects embedded in it .
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Well, later after the video presentation, Mdm foziah assigned us to work in pairs (different gender) whereby we are to produce our own video which has a meaningful theme and message to be conveyed to the audience.As i was struggling to find a partner ( boy) , Mdm Foziah helped me to find one..haha..and it was Taufiq!Thank you ma'am, i think you have chosen me a very good working partner.So after squeezing our brains for creative ideas, eventually we came up with a theme called "One sound One Malaysia".We decided to focus on the natioanal anthem whereby we try to instigate that the spirit of patriotism in which this anthem acts as a strong and powerful element that bonds the string of various races into one.Well basically, It is all about the integration and unity of the various races living in Malaysia.

Ultimately , by the end of the class, we managed to consult with Mdm Foziah and she approved our concept.hehe...Deep inside, i was very happy and excited!Yeaah... Well now, we are in the midst of coming up with suitable clips, ideas and bits and pieces to enhance our video.Till then ..we shall meet again in my next blog..see ya!


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