August 14, 2009

Reflection-Week 6: Yeah..its E-BOOK time! more story time but its e-book time !

Well, this week's class was indeed enjoyable and enlightening as Mdm Foziah exposed us to the concept e-book.Her lecture on the explanation of the criteria that are to be taken into account pertaining the selection and creation of an e-book was simply mind blowing and constructive.Among the criteria highlighted were regarding the characters, theme, plot and moral values of the story, usage of the language , fonts, pictures and so on.The lecture was simple yet very meaningful, informative and easy to understand.Thank you Mdm Foziah!

In fact, I was truly enticed by the examples of the e-books done by our seniors that Mdm Foziah showed us later on.I realized that e-book serve as a blooming IT platform that exposes the pupils to the world of digital storytelling.As future 21st century teachers, I strongly believe that by employing this e-book approach, we would be able to trigger the pupils' passion and stimulate their interest of learning the lessons more efficiently and enabling to capture and draw their attention to the lesson instantaneously.By the way, I can almost envision myself utilizing the e-book in my future teaching..haha..
(a mixture of joy, gratefulness and delight)

Now moving on to the lesson...Mdm Foziah had assigned us to create an e-book for the the primary kids.Deep inside, i felt very grateful as we were given the opportunity to develop our very own e-book.Isn't is amazing?I regard this as a golden opportunity for me to enhance competency in the internet and technological skills as well .As Mdm Foziah asked us to come up with a storyline for our e-book and share it with her first, i thought it was a splendid idea as i can ensure whether i am on the right track or not.However, soon i realized that "Oh gosh...coming up with a storyline for these kids is actually tough job too!" For a second, i was quite blurred on what to focus on in my story actually..hehe..I was really thinking hard, squeezing my brains for ideas .Eventually, after consulting some ideas and making some alteration here and there with Mdm Foziah, i finally ended up with a storyline that seemed to be suitable for my e-book.In fact, upon listening to my ideas, Mdm Foziah was the one who suggested a suitable title for my e-book-"Good Deeds For the Day".Isn't cool?Thanks to Mdm Foziah.She seems to have brilliant ideas and is so kind to share them with us.In fact, I am truly impress with Mdm Foziah's fortitude and determination to guide us to be in the right track.

Well, I think its time for me to get started on my e-book production..hehe...I am really looking forward to embark on my journey of creating my e-book.Hope that i can create one which is indeed inspiring and useful for the kids.So, to all my other friends good luck to you guys too...!Till then, i am signing off here ~adios~


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