July 31, 2009

Reflection-Week 4: Tutorials Oh Tutorials...

(Days and weeks are flying!!!Have to catch up with them...)
As for this weeks' resources class, Mdm Foziah was not around and we were all by ourselves.Although it was an undeniably tiring and hectic day, yet in a way i think i had hmm..kind of good time trying to complete my tutorials. I tried putting my so called very best efforts to do the websearching , downloading, uploading, converting files and many more to complete all the tutorials from the list given...( i think there are still few left)..

While busy doing my tutorials, it triggered to me that "Wow, i am definitely expanding my knowledge in ICT and internet skills.I think i have also developed a sense of awareness relating to the softwares, and the IT tools, whereby previously i was having ZERO knowledge in downloading, uploading and converting files, but now i am working towards learning about them, it is truly advantageous!" Thus, I am taking this opportunity to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing and teaching me and my friends (future teachers) to this other side of IT knowledge..In fact, i also realized that the process and exposure of completing these tutorials had indeed act as an essential framework in guiding me to utilize these skills and knowledge to search for teaching resources such as songs, video clips, and articles in my future teachings later on.

Anyways, not soon later, Mdm Foziah dropped by to brief us on what to do and guided us on few things.(Thanks ma'am.).She asked us to ponder on the kind of teaching aids that we can come up based on our tutorials in which I am still thinking about them, and so far i have some ideas running through my mind and Mdm Foziah also asked us to read up topic 2 and discuss on it.

Well, regarding topic 2-"Identifying priorities and their implications",(quite long to read..hehe...)To sum up, it was mainly regarding the aspect of giving high priority to attitude goals, the special nature of language, the significance of the way we check understanding, the significance of the way we treat mistakes, how to make language exersices into real exchanges and also ways to teach language lessons in the target language.( i managed to grasp the gist of it)-i realized that it is crucial for teachers to find ways of working with the language for real,-need to be realistic, the progression of pupils' attitudes and responses which results to the process of developing their competence in other language and i also became aware that in the teaching process at times teachers have to adapt and devise activities on their own.

So, i think that's about it...I am still working towards the completion of all the tutorials Whoaaa..there's a lot more to catch up..i better hurry! Till then, please continue visiting, more exciting things in resources class ahead...Cheerio!

July 24, 2009

Reflection-Week 3: MJ in resources class??

Before i begin my reflection,
i wish t
o pen down few lines in memory of MJ.

Though you are not here,

Your songs are still here,

Glued to our hearts & souls, just right here,

Your last piece "Giving thanks to Allah",

Indeed entrancing & pleasant to hear,

With a drop of tear,just wish you can hear,

We remember you here
In our resources class,just right here

Now, coming back to my reflection...
This is my third week of resources class and I am beginning to develop a strong attachment to it.This class has been a revelation for me ever since i set my foot in.This time around, i learnt something extremely new and advantageous that had not done nor ever cross my mind before which is to "create a step by step tutorial on how to download a MP3 file".

The class was inagurated with the request from our lecturer, Pn Foziah to search for Micahel Jackson's last song "Giving thanks to Allah" (it was a beautiful song indeed) in MP3 file format and thus subsequently we had to create a step by step tutorial using MS Word as well as MS Power point to depict each and every steps that we took to reach the webpage to download the song successfully. Whoa! Isn't it something that you have never ever thought before.

Initially, i was kind of blurr, not simply blurr but EXTREMELY blurr.I did not even know what 'print screen' was.(haha).Anyways, i would like to express my gratitude and thanks to Pn Foziah, who patiently put up with all my 'blurrness' and guided me well as she came to me and pointed out the steps to do.I am truly impressive with her optimistic fortitude to teach.I indeed had a good time creating the tutorial, though it was quite tedious as we were to include each and every steps.

Now, regarding the tutorial, i realized that behind all successful web application there is an easy-to- use feature and guide designated to assist users to attempt their task or grasp a good understanding to comprehend their task without much complexity and that is the"tutorial".I deemed that tutorials serve as an effective and useful framework in guiding users to find or attempt certain task step by step such as downloading songs, pictures, pdf, movies and so on.This enables them to identify the steps involved, and seek the alternative ways to successfully endeavor their tasks easily without biding around the bush.

As a matter of fact, i sensed that tutorials will indeed be handy for my personal use in my future teachings as it might serve as an useful guide and reference aid just in case i need to find or download materials from the internet that i have long forgotten.Therefore, i can rely on my tutorials to help me find my way in attempting those tasks(download teaching materials on line)

Thus, as we were given another list of tutorials to be done in two weeks time, I really hope to make an effort to venture them with full determination and preseverance in order to develop meaningful tutorials that can be shared and reached by other users.As an aspiring teaching , i believe in knowledge sharing which i deem can make wonders in one's life, thus tutorial sharing will be in my diction too.

Overall, this week's lesson was indeed a momentous and an eye opening session in which i shall cherish the experience of developing tutorials forever.Till then, we will meet again in my next blog.Thank you!

July 23, 2009

Mr Singh is Back!!!

Hi guys...
Are you kind of stressed up?
Well, no worries..
Just sit back & relax

As you enjoy these jokes...

1) A tourist from USA asked Mr Singh: Any great man born this village???
Mr Singh: No sir, only small babies!!!

2) Mr Singh : Miss, did you call me on my mobile Teacher: ME ? No, why?
Mr Singh:Yesterday i saw in my mobile-"1 Miss Call"

3) Judge: Don't you have shame?Its the 3rd time you are coming to court.
Mr Singh to judge:You are coming daily, don't you have SHAME???

4) Sir :What is the difference between Orange and Apple?
Mr Singh : Color of orange is orange BUT color of apple
is not apple.

5) Mr Singh attending an interview in Sofware Company
Manager: Do you know MS Office?

Mr Singh: If you give me the address i will go there sir.

6) Mr Singh in airplane going to Bombay...While its landing he shouted: "Bombay..Bombay"
Air hostess said: "Be silent"

Mr Singh: "Ok..Ombay Ombay"

7) Mr Singh got an sms from his girlfriend:"I MISS YOU"
He replied : "I MR YOU"

8) Mr Singh: Doctor! My son swallowed a key
Doctor: When?
Mr Singh : 3 months ago

Doctor: What were you doing till now?
Mr Singh: We were using duplicate key

Doctor: So, why did you come today?

Mr Singh: We lost the duplicate key!!

Hope you guys had fun reading it! Haha..
Till then,adios!

July 17, 2009

Reflection-Week 2:Working With Young Learners

My second class for this course was indeed an eye opener for me. As I expected I did learn ;
something new...
something that I had overlooked before…
something that did not ever cross my mind before…
something that I did not bother to stop and read before..
something that is truly advantageous and significant for me now...
Wondering what did I learn?

Well, as for today’s class, our focused topic was on “Working with young language learners”. Of course, I am aware that as a future teacher, OBVIOUSLY I will be working with young learners. However, the point here is that I had never seem to be concerned or interested in the ability of the learners (children) to:
  • grasp meaning,
  • how they use limited language use creatively
  • their capacity for indirect learning
  • their instinct for play and fun
  • their role of imagination
  • their instinct for interaction and talk
Its a shame that I was oblivious to all these.Well, it is okay as at least I got to know about these aspects now..."Better late than never!”

Thus, upon receiving the notes pertaining the topic from Pn Foziah,(Thanks ma’am), we were asked to work in groups of 6 and come up with a power point presentation regarding the subtopic that have been assigned to us.As for my group, our subtopic was regarding the children’s creative use of limited language resources”
Personally, as I read this part of article, i was really smitten by the fact of the children's CREATIVE use of language even ever since their early stages of their mother tongue development.They do excel at making a little language go along way.Isn't this amazing?

As according to Henniger(2002), "children engage in language learning without any direct instruction.They learn intuitively on how language works, practicing its nuances in their daily conversation".Thus, this indicates how their curiosity about language leads them in generating creativity in their language use especially in grammatical forms, analogy and concepts.For example, a little 4 year old boy who wanted they light to be put on exclaimed -" switch of the dark,I don't like the dark shining". Isn't this creative and cute?He innovatively invented his own words regarding the concept of 'light' to get his meaning across.

Thus,i became aware that as teachers, in order to stimulate and evoke the creative language skills the children bring with them, teachers can carry out engaging interactive classroom activities that enables the children to express themselves freely without any restrictions such as communicative games,dramatizations,group discussion & many more.I deemed that this will eventually allure the children's desire to communicate actively thus indirectly fortifying their aptitude for indirect language learning.Don't you all agree?

Overall,it triggered to me that it is vital for teachers to develop a deep understanding of the children's abilities, characteristics and their expectations, so as to strategize ways on the effective usage of tools and resources that are to be used and developed in the language learning processes.
That's all for now, till then, i'm looking forward for the next class...thank you.

July 10, 2009

Busy Bee

Busy busy busy...
For the past 5 days...
Need a break, need a rest ...
Hopefully, it will come soon...

Busy busy busy...
A lot more do to...
Break and rest where are you...
Still waiting, do come soon..

Busy busy busy...
So many things to settle...
Rest and break, i can't see you yet...
Where are you?Are you coming soon?

Well, I guess i am still busy busy busy just like a

*Just wanted to express my feelings of "busy-ness"..Hoping that i can cope up with it...

July 08, 2009

Life in Um..

UM's life after 3 days...Well, first of all let me say this "UM is so so so so so so huge!".I mean it is such a big campus. Sometimes, i even get confused with the routes to the classes. So many buildings here and there-faculties, lecture halls, labs and so on.. As for now, I am learning to get to know the places, (still surveying the locations,& routes), and still in the process of adjusting myself with the university life .So far so good i guess.I am beginning to like it...

Anyway, most of the courses that i have attended so far are quite new to me.However, deep inside i am sure it is 100% worth learning them. Oh ya, PBEY 3102 is one of them!(I wouldn't have known how to blog if it is not for this course). Feeling grateful actually..haha..and also looking forward to learn something new every day. So, UM here i come!

July 06, 2009

Reflection:Week 1-Jai Ho! Intro to PBEY 3102 & My First Blog Ever...

Yeah...writing my first blog today! But before that, I wish to express my gratefulness to this course PBEY 3102 , because if it is not for this course i wouldn't have been exposed to blogging (gained such a wonderful experience of writing one.) and enlightening me with various creative ideas and constructive information in using and developing resources for young learners through the advancement of technology such as ICT, internets,videoclips and so on...It was an advantagous eye opener for me.

Initially, before i entered the class i was bombarded with numerous strings of questions such as;what is this course all about? what are the resources that are we going use & develop? how are we are going to do that? why do we have to develop resources?i'm extremely 'blurred' in technology, will i be able to use & develop resourses too?and bla bla bla..( i was feeling anxious and fretful too)

Anyways, thanks to our lecturer, Pn Foziah, who indeed guided us through very well on our first day, with full of patience, fortitude and determination to ensure that all of us understood the course.I think her briefing was indeed pertinent and sufficient as i seemed to have grasp the gist of what the course is going to be.I managed to comprehend the highlight of the course which is all about how we utilize and generate resources from various types that we can find around us particularly through the manipulation of technology expansion in an ESL classroom besides not forgetting to take into considerations of the interests, abilities and expectations of young learners.(Thanks Ma'am)

Now, lets come back to the blogging part.(the excitement is not over yet).Well, I think writing a blog it is not that bad after all. Frankly admitting, i am not really the 'typing' or 'writing' type of person.Basically, I simply prefer reading! Yup, reading...it can be on anything-story books, novels, movie reviews, advertisements, song lyrics and the list goes on..anything as long i can read.

Ultimately, i had a great day during my first day of this course.I realize that as an aspiring futuristic and holistic teacher, i should equip myself with the knowledge and skills of technology in generating useful teaching and learning resources as to maximize the potentials and aptitude of my pupils by alluring them in moving towards the 21 century "techno world". Besides, i shall cherish the memories that i had, especially the part where i started blogging for the first time in my whole life.I am looking forward for this class, hoping that i will gain more new innovative knowledge and ways to enhance my ICT skills inventively .Well, i guess that's about it...for the moment.

Thank you...Your visits are much appreciated and I hope you continue to find reasons to come and peep into my blogs occasionally...