August 03, 2009

Reflection: Week 5-Moving on....pace by pace

Haloo everyone!The class for today started off with something unexpected..out of the blue.Wondering why???
Well, we had a FIRE DRILL!!!! was kind of fun actually, walking out from the class in a large big group using the staircase, with everyone blabbering and some complaining, with the 'oooohs' and 'aaaahs' and also the "oh,no..its going to be boring!" kind of expressions. As for me,i think the drill was indeed a memorable one, i got the chance to see a real life demonstration, with real life firemen.(Fuyo..) But too bad, i didn't try the demonstration on how to use the fire extinguisher to put off the fire..( i was too afraid with the blazing fire and its, i dared not to take the risk )

Okay!***Now moving on to the lesson of the day, we were assigned to start off with our assignment 2- producing teaching aids for the.. in which we were divided into groups of 6.Well, personally, i am glad that my group is a multiracial group consisting of 3 races-Yeah..we are moving towards "1 Malaysia!" hehe..(sounds very patriotic rite?)

Regarding the assignment, as we are to collect and produce technological teaching a ids such as from audio, video, e-books, animation and so on. I believe that this assignment will serve as an ideal opportunity for me to sharpen and enlighten my existing IT skills (which in fact is still 'blur' for me hehe..) as well as using our creativity to explore, design and complile as many technology based teaching aids as we can. Thus, through the compilation of these teaching aids, it exposes us to various technology based teaching aids that we can utilize in our future teaching which will indeed enhance and augment our lessons and subsequently create a 'techno fun loving' atmosphere!

Now, moving on to the photo editting session in which Pn Foziah briefed us on..WHOOAAA..i was totally gobsmacked..My goodness!We can simply do anything(edit) with the photos, and make the unbelievable and impossible become believable and possible!!!!Simply amazing rite?I was in fact totally flabbergasted when Mdm Foziah showed us the picture of Ella and Wu Chun in the form of Mr & Mrs Smith.WOW!That was really superb , it looked very original and authentic and not even a slightest tiny miny inch and blotch revealed that the photos were actually edited.By the way, there were also quite a number of other photos of Ella & Chun shown by Mdm Foziah to us that resembles pure originality of the photos though they were actually edited. (Thanks to Mdm Foziah for exposing us to this mind blowing examples of photo editing.)

In fact, not long sooner, it actually aroused my interest and passion to learn more about this photo editing thingy.As an
aspiring holistic teacher, i believe that we should equip ourselves with all the latest ICT knowledge and technological skills like this which enablesus to face the growing demands and expectations of the 21st century world.Thus, I regard this course as a golden opportunity to enhance my teaching capacity .Thumbs up to this course and Mdm Foziah! Oh ya, not to forget , I am eagerly looking forward to embark on the journey of photo editing.
P/s: Oh the way, i found some samples of edited photos of Mr Bean....impressive indeed!


bguat said...

yup, the fire drill was fantastic! i mean, we have actually witnessed how to use the fire extinguisher! haha..don't worry, we will get to use them when we go for teaching next time! who knows we have to demonstrate that to our pupils? haha..

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