October 23, 2009

Relection-Week 14: "Oh... It's the Last Day"

Week 14 has arrived...It's last day of our Resources Class...

Dear "Resources class"
It's the last day we are meeting up together,
Never did i realize that time flies so fast,
You walked into my life like a wind,
Bringing in loads of changes and surprises,
Enlivening and cheering me up every week,
And now you will be gone just like the wind...

Dear "Resources Class"
I've learnt a lot from you and it is VERY true,
I am now familiar with Photo editing, Audio editing,
Video editing, Internet skills, Microsoft Publisher,
One True Media, Fx Photoshop, Tutorials,Audicity,
And many many many more,

Thanks to you and the lecturer Mdm Foziah!

Dear "Resources Class"
Because of you, you and you,
I am no longer a blur girl,
I am clearly aware of Technology and the wonders it can make,
You have broaden my 'world of learning and teaching',
Thanks a lot, I am going to miss you..
You will be forever cherished in my heart!

Well, this week's class went on smoothly as usual as we bid farewell to it...We handed in our assignment 2 sucessfully which was a huge relieve for us after all those efforts and hard work that we have put in.In fact, assignment 2 too has been a real eye opener for me as i gained numerous insights in coming up with informative, creative and awesome teaching aids for the pupils using technology tools. I indeed had a splendid time creating those teaching aids using the softwares especially "Photostory", "Photoscape", "Audicity" and "Windows Movie maker' .They were simply superb and useful!Thus, obliquely i realized that technology indeed creates wonders in taking us to greater heights and making our lives easy, smooth and INTERSTING...hehe..Hence, i would definitely recommend to all teachers out there to manipulate and utilize teachnology (video clips audio clips, e-books, gifs, animations etc ) to come up with cool, superb and wonderful teaching aids for the pupils which i believe will allure them into the lesson in one go!

Besides that, we were also reminded about the pending assignments that have to be completed..My goodness, i realized that there are still a lot to go and i think i better start off right away!In fact, i guess should learn to manage my time wisely so as i can complete them as soon as possible within the due date! (Ahh..waiting for that day to come..All assignments DONE! hehe..)
Well, overall as to sum up....
I would really like to thank Mdm Foziah for exposing us to the brilliant and awesome technological skills and softwares.This class has been very beneficial and useful for us, in widening our perspectives and broadening our knowledge as the 21st century teachers to come up with various, super cool, technology based teaching aids. I trully gained a lot from this course! I SHALL FOREVER CHERISH ALL THE REMARKABLE EXPERIENCES AND WONDERFUL MEMORIES THAT I HAD THROUGHOUT THIS COURSE IN THE CORNER OF MY HEART!

October 13, 2009

"Make Wonders Using Microsoft Publisher 2007"

Well, today's class was again another meaningful and memorable class that i shall cherish !Oh ya, we are almost coming to the end of the semester and there is only ONE more week left !Wow, time really flies fast right?

In this week's class, we were introduced to "Microsoft Publisher 2007", something that i have been exposed to before but something that i have never REALLY explored and manipulated and ALSO something that i have never realized that can be used to do teaching aids!! ( i usually use this software to do ONLY brochures and not more than that ..hehe...) Well, thanks to Mdm Foziah for creating this wonderful opportunity for us to explore this software to the max and seek various ways to utilize this software in generating teaching aids that can be used in clasroom.

As a matter of fact, i was trully astonished and impressed to find out that Micrsoft Publisher 2007 can actually make wonders (also make life easier too hehe...) ; Greeting cards, Postcards, POsters, Advertisement, ..etc.These various features are just apt to be used in designing pertinent, appealing and brilliant teaching aids that i bet will entice the kids in one go thus obliquely enhancing the teaching and learning process.For example, for an English writing lesson, by using this software, i can create tonnes of wonderful Birthday cards or Mother's Day cards or Teacher's Day cards (empty ones) for my pupils as a sample card and get them to write their wishes/ messages in it so as it can be send to their preffered ones.Indirectly, this stimulates them to learn the lesson betterand fortifies their writing skills as they have the real hands on material to utilize/ practice on.Isn't this awesome?

Well, i deemed that through this exposure to Microsoft Publisher 2007, i will definitely utilize it in my future teaching and create loads of attractive, entralling and educatonal based teaching aids that suits my everyday lesson.hehe...This software indeed makes wonders and saves lots of time and energy!It is really worth exploring!So teachers and future teachers OUT THERE DO TRY THIS SOFTWARE..YOU WILL CERTAINLY LOVE IT!

To all my Indian Friends out there, wishing you a very HAPPY DEEPAVALI!
Have a wondeful celebration ya!
Till then, have a nice day! ~Cheerio~

October 10, 2009

Reflection-Week 12: "It's Video Time!...Sit back, Relax & Enjoy Watching!"

S-P-L-E-N-D-I-D & A-W-E-S-O-M-E-!

This week's class was EXTREMELY FUN!!!We watched 18 super cool creative videos..Yeah!All produce by my coursemates including mine too.hehe..But before that, i would like to thank Mdm Foziah for coming up with such a brilliant idea of giving us the opportunity to watch all the videos created by our freinds.Thank you ma'am!I think by watching all these videos,i indeed gained wonderful insights and innovative ideas on how to produce a quality video embedded with useful messages to be conveyed.
To be frank, all 18 videos produced using various softwares were indeed remarkably impressive and splendid.Each of them were unique by itself.In fact, obliquely through these videos, I was able to see the hard work, inventiveness and efforts put in to produce such quality videos which requires a lot time, energy, creativity, patience and co-operation.Well done my friends!
(Give yourselves a huge round of applause and say CHEESE!)
As a matter of fact, subsequently i realize that the message conveyed by each video is the primary focul point that draws each and everyones attention.The message is the highlight and boost for the video, without any message i bet a video will be stagnant right at its place with no directions to proceed further.Thereby, there were few videos with such powerful messages that inspired and kindle my thoughts and feelings constructively.Among them are the video on "Friendship", "Rukun Negara", "10 ways;University Life".
I was really impress with the video on "Friendship" as it signifies how crucial the bond among friends are, how it evolved and strenghten till the very end of our lives.I really love the soundtrack that they have inserted, it was very happening and inspiring.Cool video guys!
As for the video on "Rukun Negara", WOW it was simply amazing as it arouses the sprit of patriotism within us.Truthfully admitting, i have almost forgoten few lines of the Rukun Negara, however upon watching this video, it instigated me to recal and remenber those five significant lines of Rukun Negara.In fact,the sound track was extremely appropriate with the theme and message conveyed.Brilliant idea guys!
Next, the video on "10 ways;University Life was indeed an eye opener for me.Personally , i thought it was such a good piece of work as it inspired me to view university life positively.I deem that i should enjoy my university life to the max because this is an experience that should not be ever misse by anyone.So, before i graduate, i should try out all those ideas that they have proposed in the video. hehe..
Well as for our video ( Taufiq & I), it was regarding the "Negaraku" national anthem.Upon hearing the initial tune of Negaraku song as our video was played , it stirred the the patriotic and nationalistc spirit within each of us almost instateneously.Surprisingly, within seconds all of us were standing up singing the national anthem along with the video .WOW, never did i expect that the "Negaraku" song as a powerful influence within each of us despite various races and religion.Well, whatelse...this is what we called 1Malaysia..hehe..Yeah..
However, there is a slight improvement that should be done for our video in which we are to give credit to ourselves at the end of the video to show that the video is done by us and establish our copy right.
Overall, i really learnt a lot by watching these videos, i trully admire the creativity of my friends and i regard this video viewing session as a rewarding, useful and memorable experience that i will cherish forever.
This is our video(mind & Taufiq) on "NEGARAKU"

October 02, 2009

Reflection: Week 11-"A Day I Called It A Day"

Well, this week's class was an interesting class full with surprises and revelations..As a matter of fact, we had the combination of two groups-the thursday's and tuesday's group. So basically, the the room was quite crowded and most of us were sharing the computers.Oh ya, and Ma'am was not feeling well too..(Pity her).Nevertheless, i trully admire her determination and positive fortitude to attend the class eventhough she was ill with terrible cough.I think Ma'am Foziah indeed set a good example of a dedicated teacher who is always concerned of her student's needs and requirements besides being fully devoted to her teaching duty.Thumbs up ma'am! (Personally admitting, I am very impressed with you ma'am).Hope that Ma'am Foziah will get well as soon as possible.

Now, moving on to the lesson.. we basically had wonderful presentations from the Thursday's group regarding the topic"Technology Professional Development".Wow, their presentations were indeed explictit and in-depth which right away engaged us deeply into the issue discussed.As for me, it was indeed a boost that assist in fortifying my current knowledge of the intergration of technology in ESL classroom.I was especially enticed and allured by the presentation of Zul Husni's group that focused on "Computer and technology". It was basically pertaining the attempts and endeavors of the Korean schools and Korean education ministry to integrate technology in their education system particularly to be carried out by pre-and in-service teachers.Obliquely, i realized that 'preparation and management' aspect of incorporating the elements of technology as mentioned in the presentation is extremely vital and plays an important role in order to create an encouraging and conducive technology based classroom setting which enhances the quality of the teaching learning process aptly for the 21st century kids.Thus, i deemed that as a future 21st century teacher, i should equip myself with the knowledge of IT and ICT so as i can implement the effective use of technology in my future teaching process no matter where i am.In fact, i realized that, this resources class ( with all those various skills taught;video editing, photo editing, audio editing) has indeed been an advantageous eye opener for me to "furnish" and endow myself to be an effective 'techno literate' teacher in future.( I am trully grateful to this resources class and Ma'am Foziah too).

Next, after the presentations, LUCKILY we were all reminded to take note on the due dates for our assignments to be handed in.My goodness, i had almost totally lost track of the dates actually..Thank God, Ma'am Foziah notified us, especially regarding our 2nd assignment; the complilation of the electronic teaching aids.Well, so far my group have divided our work and discussed the sources to find the materials.Good job friends!Well, as for the 3rd assignment regarding the devising of lesson plan,we were to get into groups of four whereby my group members this time around are Fendy, Firdaus and Bguat.( A good team indeed..hehe..)Well, we are currently in the midst of the planning process. I am just keeping my fingers cross hoping that we can complete all the assignments within the respective due dates in time.Although the work loads have increased yet, i am looking forward to see the end products of our assignments.

Well, wishing all my fellow coursemates all the best!Take it easy and have a great time doing the assignments..add up a pinch of laughter, humour and fun along..bet you will feel better!~Cheers~