November 10, 2009

Reflection: 15th entry- Farewell PBEY 3102..Au Revoir

Farewell PBEY 3102! I will Miss You!

This is my last entry for this course..I am feeling slightly nostalgic right now..( a bit sad) as i reflect on all those wonderful and momentous meomories and experience i had throughout this course.By the way , this is the very first blog that exposed me to the 'world of blogging' in which it truly benefited me tremendously.I am proud to say that i am now a techno literate future teacher who is still in the process of embarking in the endless journey of seeking knowledge.

Million Thanks to this splendid course 'PBEY 3102' and our dear lecturer Mdm Foziah.
Thank you so much ma'am..especially for your guidance, patience, fortitude of sharing and imparting your knowledge and experience in order to make us a better techno savvy future teacher ..Thanks a lot Mdm Foziah!

Well, do come along... join me as i go down the memory lane of this course pondering on few trails of thoughts...

1) What do you like about blogging ?
I love everything about blogging...The best part is that it is serves as 'my personal diary', where i can pour out my feelings, emotions share my idas, opinions, document my learning journey step by step and have a lingkage with all my dear friends ( by reading their blogs).

2) What you don't like about blogging ?
There's nothing that i don't like about blogging..I love blogging!I cherish every moment, hours, seconds and bit and pieces that i gain while blogging.

3) What have you gained about blogging? How?
Plenty of remarkable knowledge and skills i would say..Among them are that my language skills has imporved tremendously along with my fluency in English.This is because as i blog, i tend to express and reflect on my learning journey vividly amd meaningfully, thus i opt for using various vocabularies and sentence patterns which indirectly as enhance my language proficiency. i have even learnt to think critically and judgementally in order to write a meaningful and remarkable blog .In addition, i have also mastered and learnt several technologcal and computing skills...

4) What do you like about this course?
I love in this course is wonderful and unique in its own way..Thereby, i really like every aspect offered in this course especially when we are allowed to try to maniplate the softwares and come up with our own teaching aids.. I have gained plentiful knowledge on video editing, photo editng, audio editing, and ther computing skills.In fact, i also like the idea of documenting our learning journey in the form of blog which indeed make sentiend of my learning process and level.
5) What do you not like about this course?
Basically nothing..I am grateful to be in this course as i can fortify my knowldedge further in the technological and computing facets.

6)What have you learnt from this course?
Loads and loads of things..I have learnt about photo editing, audio editing, video editing, softwares like 'one true media', windows movie maker, e-book,and even blogspot.I have learnt that i can manipulate the knowledge of these input to create numerous interesting and appealing teaching aids for the children that will indeed entice them in their learning process.

7)What have you learnt from this course t
hat you did not expect to learn?
Well, i guess its the tutorials...precviously, before entering this course I have never done any tutorials before.Thus, this course has given me a great exposure in doing tutorials..Its really useful as now i know the steps involved in websearching, downloading, compressing files converting files, scanning, uploading and etc.
8)What have you expected but did not learnt from this course?
Frankly admitting, this course has given me more than i have expected.Thumbs up to this splendid course; PBEY 3102!

9)If you can change anything about this course, state what is it and eloborate?
Hmm..I think everything is just fine in this course..It's a brilliant course indeed as it guides in moulding future teachers to be techno savvy in creating resources for their ESL classroom.

10)On the rate of 1-10, please rate your computing and technological skills both before and after undergoing this course.
Before: 4
After: 8
Thus, this shows that this course has been really helpful as it has an immense impact in fortifying and improving my computing and technological skills tremendusly.Thanks a lot to this course as well as the lecturer, Mdm Foziah!

Well,thanks for joining me down the memory lane...I trully enjoyed this course to the maximum level...I guess i will really miss it! Farewell PBEY 3102!!